I’m made of metal my circuits gleam I am perpetual I keep the country clean.

about. abilities. basic info.


neo-tokyo, neon slums and pretty lights to deceive and lure unsuspecting people into it's vice. whether you're filthy rich or even piss poor you're stepping into a world of shit. whatever the hell you can think of you'll find it there. organized crime groups? cyber terrorists? hell, even monsters.the police force can only handle so much right? that's why a counter-measure had to be set up. what exactly was it?a high performance full-body combat cyborg issued by the cyber security force : CALLISTO UNIT 004.


How the hell else is just one cyborg gonna take on the entire city? Billions of fucking dollars and an unholy amount of laborious man hours.Callisto hosts an extremely compact durable mechanical body that is fitted to survive extreme conditions, such as scorching hot fuckin' lava and even sub zero temperatures. Also water, you can't just expect the most expensive weapon in history to fry up with a bit of water right? State of the fuckin' art machinery means Callisto can go as deep as a damn submarine. Though even the most durable body still needs protection from EMPS especially.

Callisto is built in with EMP resistant armor, depending on the type of EMP. Low scale EMP grenades or weapons aren't likely to effect er but high scale EMPs knock this bad baby out like a light for a good amount of time. Life support systems are left vulnerable right? Nah life support systems can go on a few hours offline, keeping her live and well.You can't just not arm this damn cyborg to the teeth right? Right, unfortunately Callisto prefers to use more up methods to dispatch foes. Callisto is armed with a short lance weapon that can cut through APC'S like a hot knife through butter. If that fails to do the trick Callisto also houses a blade in her right arm that can pop out, it's basically the same as her short lance in terms of sharpness. Not only that but she also prefers to keep a revolver at hand.


CALLISTO-004 - Augmented five senses, strength, speed. Artificial body is more durable than a human’s. Callisto can by will alter its own weight and density; intensifying the power of blows, or enhancing speed and resilience. (Can weigh as little as a feather or as much as a plane while maintaining its original form.)





The stoic facade slips and she slips out. A psychotic rebellious personality, childish in nature wearing emotions all over her sleeve and becoming unimaginably extreme in nature. Indulging into her most childish selfish desires and radical ideologies.


When you're the most expensive cybernetic individual in Neo-Tokyo you're bound to under-go extensive conditioning by the piece of shit government. As if it wasn't already enough to have your normal life taken away you gotta be forced to be a walking corpse piling machine.Callisto is stoic, there are little to no cracks when it comes to her mental health which is constantly being monitored to ensure the safety of all of Neo-Tokyo. Yet even with their strict ass tests there's always one weak-point in that supposed armor.
When Callisto feels extremely threatened that's usually when her alter ego arises and takes over. Despite the fuck load of money the government sunk into her Callisto still managed to turn out a total nutcase.
